- Countries Visited: 35
- Travel Wishlist: South America, Hawaii, Iceland, Canada, Madagascar
- Locked down in: Torquay, Victoria, Australia.
“Being alive right now means all of us are unified in a global experience of having life adjusted. We are all feeling something. And that in itself is important.“

“First Principle: Never let one’s self be beaten down by persons or by events” – Marie Curie
What I’ve realized is who we are doesn’t matter in terms of more or less affected. All that matters is that we are. Being alive right now means all of us are unified in a global experience of having life adjusted. We are all feeling something. And that in itself is important. And through extending out to each other, we can share, offer support and feel more secure.
I wanted to express my Life in Lockdown in a slightly different way. I have in many ways felt lucky in how COVID-19 has yes, affected my life which is inevitable for us all, however, has not led to negative long-term consequences for me.
So, when initially feeling overwhelmed by the state of affairs, disconnected from those I love and the life I missed, I wrote a list. And here it is for you, observed pro’s and con’s through my lens.
Pandemic Positives:
- The homemade sourdough revolution.
- Enjoying the social field of the supermarket where conversations with strangers are highly sought-after.
- People reconnecting and asking each other ‘Are you okay?’.
- Society distracted away from the need to “keep up” with the latest superficial material objects.
- Embracing Zoom meetings from the comfort of home… business wear up top, sleepwear downtown.
- Less waste – I’m taking on MANY fronts; food waste, fuel emissions, unnecessary purchases…
- Time for reflection on what really matters in life. “What do I miss?” “What will I no longer take for granted?”
- Less traffic. In the mornings I wake to the tweeting of birds rather than rumblings of cars.
- Walking every day, not driving every day.
- Feeling a sense of unity that we are “all in this together”.
- Savoring time spent with friends and family when restrictions permitted.
- Whilst at times isolating, an appreciation of how few deaths Australia has suffered from “the virus” in relation to other countries. Thankful for the leadership and perspicacity shown by our Health Officers and Premiers in making hard decisions and having integrity to see them through.
- Grateful for front line workers and their sacrifices to care for people they don’t know.
- To be alive in such a monumental moment in history that will reshape how we live.
- To experienced music festivals and gigs where the excited anonymous are crammed in together dancing as one.
- To have known what it’s like to rejoice at large weddings and commemorate (or commiserate) at packed out football grand finals.
- Grateful in times of heartbreak, misery and death having been able to be together to support each other and offer physical hugs.
- The realisation that office banter is cornerstone to work satisfaction.
- When recommendations for books, Netflix series or new recipes are offered, I have time to follow up and read, watch and create respectively.
- More laying on the floor with my dogs and lengthy beach walks.
- On Bunnings trips materials are purchased, but better yet, the project is started and completed.
- I’m now looking for things to do, rather than feeling the “to do list” was never going to get done.
- Restful nights and slower days.
- That it has occurred here mostly over the winter months, when hibernation is easier than in glorious summer.
- Thankful for the resurgence of 1000 piece puzzles and the newspaper quiz.
- Online shopping.
- To have snuck in IVF before lockdown. And then to have time to focus on the journey with ‘Rona baby (number 46 000 000) due in two short weeks.
- To have been so lucky to have experienced unrestricted travel in the past.
Summarizing quote:
“Buy less, choose well” – Vivienne Westwood

Corona Con’s:
- The unknowns. “When will it end?” “Will life ever be the same?”
- The death toll. Furthermore, in death the inability for people to grieve together due to restrictions.
- The fear we won’t be able to contain the spread.
- The fear a member of my family or a beloved friend might become unwell.
- When illness occurs, individuals suffering alone.
- The lack of social visits and outings in the Aged Care space where due to age, time together is finite and precious.
- Basic luxuries removed such as the ability to dine out for a meal.
- Not being able to see people smile behind masks.
- Swings at playgrounds hanging limp while children look on longingly.
- Missing family and friends who live interstate.
- Business both small and large buckling under the financial strain.
- Groundhog Day… again.
Negatives summarising quote:“Look on each day that comes as a challenge. As a test of courage…” – Daphne du Maurier